We do our best to work sustainably at ICANIWILL in order to preserve our planet so it can meet the needs of future generations. To do so we must make sure we limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5° C above pre-industrial levels.
We have therefore set ambitious climate targets to reduce our emissions and be part of a more sustainable clothing industry.
carbon offset every year starting 2020
carbon emission reduction per product by 2025

Climate Calculation
Together with climate strategists at; ZeroMission, we calculate our annual CO2 emissions from all activities in our value chain. This is done according to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standards including scope 1, 2 and 3 in their entirety, where:
Scope 1: includes direct emissions from owned or controlled sources
Scope 2: includes indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heating, and colling
Scope 3: includes indirect emissions from all other upstream and downstream activities in our value chain, from raw material to the final delivery to end-consumers

Climate Strategy
Based on our first climate calculation, we set up a strategy to reduce our environmental impact as quickly as possible.
We have goals to reduce our absolute emissions in scope 1 & 2 by 42% each by 2030 and to reduce our scope 3 emissions by 50% per gross profit unit (SEK) by 2030. This translates into a 55% emission reduction per product by 2030.
We already managed to reduce our emissions by 35% per product from 2020 to 2022, reaching 63% of our long-term targets for 2023 in only two years. We expect further reductions over the coming years but are aware that they will happen slower as we have reaped the benefits of the lowest hanging fruits at the beginning of our journey, giving the fastest results over a short period of time.

Climate Actions
To reach our 2025 climate goals, our main focus areas are:
- Increased supply chain traceability
- Shift to recycled and more sustainable materials
- Decrease the share of flight transport of products from factories to our warehouse
- Shift to 100% renewable energy in our most important facilities (in Sweden as well as our largest factories)

Carbon Offset
To accelerate the effect of our climate work until 2025, we offset our emissions as a complement to our reduction strategy.
We have compensated for 100% of our calculated emissions two years in a row and plan to continue to do so over the coming years.
Projects we have invested in:
- 2020 Scolel'te, Mexico - PlanVivo
- 2021 Trees For Global Benefit, Uganda - PlanVivo
- 2021 ADES solspisar, Madagascar - Gold Standard
By investing in these projects, we have contributed to the reduction and absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere.